

[TUTORIAL] Upgrading to OSX 10.6.2

As we all do know that Apple has released an update for MacOS X Snow Leopard. For Hackint0sh users , its the time for you to rejoice as Intel i5 support and P55 chipset are officially supported (In other words , once Apple releases 10.6.2 Retail DVD , if they do. You could use Empire EFI and it would just work). As for those of us who have already installed MacOSX 10.6.1 or OSX 10.6.2. This guide takes you on how to do a safe upgrade. After all , we don’t want to break anything. Before we get started , you need to have several things. These are :-
  • Snow Leopard Retail DVD with Empire EFI or Boot-132 -or- USB Snow leopard – or Chameleon on a USB Stick
  • Know what kexts are installed in your /Extra or EFI partition
  • A linux installation somewhere which has native HFS+ read/write support or Windows with MacDrive installed
  • Conti’s pfix script or the commands on how to fix Kernel Cache via Terminal (if you’ve used myHack-on-USB-stick , its there by default)
Before you start reading this guide , I recommend you to read netkas’ blog for more up to date information and special steps that should be taken  and plus what benefits that 10.6.2 gives us for Hackint0sh users !
First thing first. Firstly , go to Apple’s site and download MacOSX 10.6.2 Combo updater. Do not use system updater to update it. Instead download the combo updater. Now before we fire it up. Be sure to run Terminal. What we would be doing here is to backup our entire Extensions folder. This is just to be safe that , in case of screw ups. We could use patched kexts back. This is true because from time to time apple would remove support for certain card , and even certain processors. Recently , they did remove support for Intel Atom processors !
To do this , type
sudo mkdir /System/Library/Extensions1
sudo cp -R /System/Library/Extensions /System/Library/Extensions1
For Intel Atom users/Pentium D/AMD : You’ll have to backup your kernel as well. As there is no way that we could use Vanilla Kernel. To do this , simply type
sudo cp  /mach_kernel /mach_good
Keep your terminal window at all costs
Now we have our extensions backed up to Extensions1 and our kernel has been backed up as well. Now its time for us to run Installer. Just simply install MacOSX 10.6.2 combo updater. Once that is done , do not reboot. Its time for us to restore patched kexts and (patched kernel if any). If you’ve used any patched kexts (i.e drivers) in /System/Library/Extensions. you’ll have to copy from your Extensions1 folder to your new Extensions folder. This includes any patched apple kexts such as patched IONetworkingFamily , Appleintel* graphics. Just copy from your Extensions1 to your extensions folder. As for patched kernel users , simply go back to Terminal and type
sudo mv /mach_kernel /mach_bad
sudo mv /mach_good /mach_kernel
Be sure to replace SleepEnabler.kext with a newer version from netkas’ site before rebooting , failure to do so may result in kernel panic. If you’re using your old kernel (aka for Atom users and Intel Pentium/AMD users) , you do not have to replace SleepEnabler.kext , only replace it if you’re going to use Vanilla 10.6.2 kernel !
What it does is that it renames mach_kernel as mach_bad and then it restores back our old 10.6 kernel . Once that is done , do not forget to rebuild your kernel extensions by running Conti’s pfix.sh script ! Reboot and just keep your fingers crossed. I’ll update this guide later on how to restore just in case of 10.6.2 screws up badly !
If something is messed up real bad , just simply use Rebel EFI or Chameleon boot disk to boot up back your installation and to fix things
Update #1 by Steve (thanks)
I thought I’d mention this : For myHack users, if you should run into a KP related to SleepEnabler Kext, just boot to you HD using myHacked USB, and re-install myHack selecting needed Kexts while unchecking FilebufferDisabler, only this time also DE-SELECT the SleepEnabler Kext to remove it and reboot normally !

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